Opening Reception: Roz “Pottery”
Display CasesFree and open to the public. Come and meet Roz and see the wonderful pottery display.
Free and open to the public. Come and meet Roz and see the wonderful pottery display.
Pastel Paintings
Abstract Paintings (oil, acrylic and watercolor)
Wet Felted wearables, accessories, vessels, wall art;
Free and open to the public. Come and see the incredible artwork presented by the Pastel Society of NH.
Free and open to the public. Come and meet the family of artists and view abstract paintings in oil; acrylic and watercolor.
Free and open to the public. Come and meet the Susan and see her unique and beautiful wet felted wearables, accessories, vessels and wall art.
Free and open to the public. Come and view the exceptional train and village display in the downstairs JCC Historical Society. This is a must see exhibit for the holidays.
Its no too late to start thinking about renting your reservation for the Jaffrey Civic Center Holiday Craft Fair. Limited spots are available.