August 21, 2019 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

The 2nd floor classroom at the Jaffrey Civic Center is open and free to artists of all media-persuasion on Wednesday mornings from 9- 12 noon. Bring your still life set-up, your reference photos, a friend to model, your paints, pastels, easels, #2 Ticonderogas, camera, crayons, and your ideas to share with fellow artists. If you need a boost to get back into finishing or starting a canvas, if you’re not motivated because you paint alone and would like to be with others, if you don’t have the right light or enough space to feel creative, come and join us. You don’t have to commit to anything. Come when you can. We follow the Conant school system calendar, so if they are closed, we are as well. You don’t have to sign up or register, but if you’d like to call to find out more about this, please call 532-6527 or e-mail at info@JaffreyCivicCenter.com.